Monday, October 25, 2010

Winner of Flower Competition

Better late then never I guess to announce the winner of the comp.
and the winner was.......................

HAYLIE DURRINGTON :) Congrats hun!!!!

Haylie is the lovely/talented lady behind Little Miss Fascinated. We talked about what she would like to spend her $10 voucher on, then she asked if I would like to do a  "swap" for the postage cost. I am excited to say that I will be recieving one of her beautiful ribbon wands :)

Here's a pic of a few of the wands available: (mine will be pink and black with purple, pink and white ribbon)

Some Pettiskirts made by Haylie:

And of course some fascinaters: (my favorites)

Have a great day.

Amanda <3

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

competition Time :D [Wed.13th 2010]


It's easy as 1,2,3..4&5 (lol).

1. Guess how many flowers are in the "flower comp" photo HERE.
2. Tag yourself in the photo.
3. Write your guess in the comments box.
4. Once winner is announced you must send me an email so I can reply with your 'e-voucher'.
5. You will have from 12am Wed morning until 12pm Wed afternoon to place your guess.

**Winner will recieve a $10.00 gift voucher**
Good Luck!.

Amanda <3

Thursday, October 7, 2010


hello everyone,
my name is Amanda {a.k.a Manda} I am from a little place called Tassie.
I am the crafty WAHP behind 'Memories By Manda'.

I am a stay at home mum to a beautiful little princess Hailee who is almost 2. after friends of mine started a little business 'the famous Felix & Lily' in Brizzy, I too wanted to get crafty and do something with the 'me time' I had during the day whilst my daughter napped. but wanted to do something a little different then others where doing. < this is how Memories By Manda was born :)

I specialise in; custom photo frames, wall letters, name plaques, door hangers and more!. I love making something unique to each person and their home(s). I decided to start this blog so that I could let you all in on a little piece of my life and the journey of my day to day life with being a work at home mum.

Memories By Manda <3