Thursday, November 11, 2010

1,000th fans special!!

We are only 163 fans away for the fantastic.. 1,000. So to celebrate we are having a little special that will run for 1 business week "Monday to Friday". {will be announce facebook the Saturday before hand}.

Our 1,000th fans special is....

"free post week" {within Aust} and our lucky 1,000th fan will recieve a voucher to the value of $20.00 to use on anything from our facebook page. *condidtions apply.

So suggest us to as many friends as possible!!!! You do not have to just invite facebook friends you know, I can also do orders via email:


Free Postage Week: You must order and pay for your product by the end of the week. {product has a 2 week turn-around}.
1000th Fan: May purchase anything from our facebook page, but $20 voucher must only be used with a purchase of over $30 {including postage}

Amanda <3


I would love to make a special {non-business} post to say a very happy 33rd birthday to my wonderful husband. If it wasn't for his support and encouragement i don't think Memories By Manda would still be here or as big as it is today.. so thank you so much hunny. I hope you have a wonderful day (sorry you had to work) but i really hope you enjoy yourself out tonight with our family.

It was also my daughter's 2nd birthday on the 2nd of November.. :)

Amanda <3